Finding Treasure

This winter when our grandchildren were all here, Phil held a treasure hunt for them. He made up clues and even had a map (which I drew) so that they could find the next clue and eventually the hidden treasure.

They had so much fun!

The grandchildren that could read were the team leaders and the others helped once the clues were read. There was one misplaced clue – but all-in-all it was a success.

The treasure was found…

and eaten!

Last week some of the grandchildren returned and Lincoln wanted to design his own treasure hunt. He is in kindergarten and pleased with his new skill in reading and writing. Lincoln asked for “lots of paper, Nana” and began writing clues that would lead from one hiding place to another. The clues needed a bit of help in being “de-coded”. As with many early writers, Lincoln is in a hurry to express himself and doesn’t always leave spaces between the words. Any confusion was quickly cleared up because he knew exactly what he had written.

Lincoln’s clues were short and to the point – yet also effective. All the clues were found by his little brothers and ultimately – the treasure.

Gummy Bears!

treasure hunt 2

I was remembering the excitement that Lincoln expressed about making his own treasure hunt. He would not be able to participate by searching for clues – he was the one who wrote them. Yet he couldn’t wait for everyone else to find the clues and get the treasure.

It made me start thinking about how wonderful it would be if our children and grandchildren were as excited about finding real treasure.

Isaiah 33:5,6

5 The Lord is exalted, for He dwells on high;
 He will fill Zion with His justice and righteousness.
6 He will be the sure foundation for your times,
a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge;
the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.

Here the prophet Isaiah tells God’s people the Lord is “a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge”. Now that is real treasure!

I need to start communicating clearly to my children and grandchildren that REAL treasure is from God. Isaiah says “the fear of the Lord is the KEY to this treasure”.

The Amplified Version expands my understanding of “fear of the Lord” this way. It says “the reverent fear and worship of the Lord.” This is the awe that I feel when I realize the majesty of God and His creation. It is the overwhelming sense I have when I understand that God, and God alone is worthy of worship.

I find this treasure when I put God first in my heart and mind – the ONLY place worthy of God.
So – where is my treasure?

Do my children and grandchildren know what I treasure?

Lincoln copied Phil because Phil had made the treasure hunt so enjoyable. What kind of things do children see me do that look enjoyable – that look like I treasure them?

  • shopping?
  • cooking?
  • gardening?
  • cleaning? …(uh, no they don’t see that)
  • using an electronic device?
  • reading?

We must all be intentional in sharing with our children what really matters. I do many things during a day – but what really has my HEART? Do I express the importance of Jesus in all that I do?

Finding Jesus is finding true treasure.


10 thoughts on “Finding Treasure

  1. Katrina says:



  2. Kathleen says:

    What a fabulous reminder. Thank you!


  3. Cynthia Mediate says:

    You absolutely express the importance of Jesus in all that you do. Thank-you, what a wonderful way to start my day!


  4. Cynthia,
    Thank you – that is my heart’s desire – to glorify Jesus. May God bless you.


  5. Hannah says:

    Great pictures! This is great- especially the electronic device part at the end! I used to play two probably silly but fun games on my iPad and Phillip (one of the handsome happy boys in the pictures) asked me the other day why I “play games so much on my iPad” and I told him he was right, it’s not important. So I deleted the silly games and haven’t spent time on my iPad much at all the past four days!


  6. gloria says:

    Love this message, Gayle! Aren’t we blessed to know – Jesus is the true treasure, yet don’t always live it. Your illustration is great & sounds fun. Think I’ll plan a hunt w/ my g’kids & copy you! Thank you!


  7. Thank you, Gloria. Yes – it is fun. You can hide clues inside or out – depending on the weather. We enjoyed it as much as the grandkids.


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