My Father’s Handiwork


My sister-in-law, Mitzi, recently sent me this picture of my father collecting tiny Japanese maples under the beautiful “mother” tree in her yard in Eugene, Oregon. Dad brought these two inch high seedlings home to North Carolina on the airplane and planted them in a sheltered place.

Now, fourteen years later we have several beautiful trees and so do our daughters! One even traveled north to Wheaton when Mom and Dad moved there to a retirement community. These Japanese maples are especially beautiful in the fall.

All from little seedlings.

The greatest blessing to me is the remembrance of my father whenever I see these trees.

I realized after Mitzi sent me this picture that I have reminders of my father ALL OVER OUR YARD! His handiwork is a constant reminder that my Dad lived here with us for over 8 years, and not only did he live here, but he left a legacy of beauty.

Which leads me to the next realization  – my Heavenly Father has left His legacy – all creation – as a constant reminder of His presence.

Just as I look at a tree or flower that Dad planted and am reminded of him, I recognize that God, in His creative power has made all things, including humans. When I see people, I am reminded that God created humans in His image.

“Red, brown, yellow, black and white, we’re ALL precious in His sight.”

Caring for our garden and the plants Dad left here honors his memory.

Caring for other people honors God who created them.

If I am not showing love and respect for ALL people, I am not honoring the God who created them. In this time of turmoil and unrest in our country, I must do all I can to honor God by showing honor to His creation – the entire human race.

In Mark 12:30-31 Jesus answers a question from one of the religious leaders – “Which is the most important commandment?”

30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ 31 The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”

When I love my neighbor as myself. I am honoring my Heavenly Father by caring for His creation.

My challenge right now is to show love to all people, not only those I agree with. Because each person is God’s handiwork and He loves them, so will I.



In My Garden with God #26




Abundant Blooms


Another amazing woman who added so much beauty to our community has passed away at 91. Bernice Rogers Elliot was one of those unique individuals that shared her flowers, quilts, vegetables from her garden, and recipes with everyone she met. Bernice made you feel at home and part of her family on the first visit. I am enjoying plants in my yard that came from Bernice.

Her legacy of sharing beauty lives on in my garden and many other gardens in our community.

Bernice also shared wisdom. I remember asking her as we walked through her abundant flower garden years ago, how she kept her flowers blooming. I was new at growing flowers and Bernice’s were so plentiful and diverse. She was cutting blooms to share with me, and several other folks as we walked. I knew she had given away literally scores of blooms, but there were still so many growing right before us!

“I have so many because I give them away. The more you cut the blooms, the more you will have.” Bernice exclaimed with her beautiful smile.

The secret of Bernice’s abundant flowers was the fact that she gave them away.

Jesus taught us that same principle in Luke 6:38 NLT

38 Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.”

How true this is in our lives! When we give generously to others, we receive so much in return.

There is a lesson from biology that aligns with this principle. My father, a biology teacher, taught me that the purpose of a flower is to attract pollinators, which after their job is complete, causes the flower to form seeds. If flowers are cut, no seeds are produced, so the plant makes more flowers to fulfill its purpose.

Bernice’s daughter, Lois Cline, shares her mother’s generous spirit and love of beauty. My lentin roses, a gift from Lois, have spread so I can share them with others just as they were shared with me.

Bernice’s legacy lives on in Lois.

As I share my abundant flowers, more will grown. As I share God’s love, more love is given.

May we abundant in our giving, sharing all we have and are with others.

In My Garden With God #20

God’s Workmanship


I love spring! I love the warmer weather, the sounds of birds, the fresh smells of grass and honey suckle blooming, the beauty of trees and flowers bursting forth in bloom.

Spring fills my senses.

It is such a blessing to live in a region that has four seasons. We have had LOTS of rain this fall and winter and now the result is an abundance of blooms.

Our camellias and forsythia have more blooms than I remember from previous years. The tulip blooms are bigger and more abundant, as were the daffodils, which are now fading. The dogwood trees are just opening here and also have so many blooms.

This may be the most beautiful spring I have experienced Everywhere I look I see God’s workmanship. The variety of plant life, the diversity in color, size, form, and texture all make flowers such a joy to behold. I never tire of walking around our yard and seeing a new bloom or something green peeking through the soil ready to grow up in the warm sunlight. I especially enjoy seeing a plant emerge that I have totally forgotten about since last spring. It like receiving a present I didn’t expect! God’s workmanship.

Ephesians 2:10 says –

10 For we are his workmanship, 

created in Christ Jesus for good works, 

which God prepared beforehand, 

that we should walk in them.

Just as we enjoy the beauty of nature, God’s creation – God enjoys US, also His creation as the above verse states. We bring God joy when we fulfill the purpose for which He created us.

I was thinking about this as I cut flowers in our yard for arrangements for a friend’s birthday celebration. Each type of flower was different – unique – but fit in beautifully in the arrangement. I saw each of these flowers as perfect to complete the arrangement I planned.

I have other flowers I never cut for arrangements. They look better growing in their natural habitat. Trillium are one of my favorite flowers, but I have never cut them to bring inside. They show their beauty best growing outside.

Each of us is different – we look different, we have different talents, different abilities, even different preferences. Yet each of us was created for good works that Jesus has prepared for us to do.

My friend Carol and I are like that. See how much we look alike? (ha!) We are so different in every way, yet our friendship spans 65 years. (oops, now you know how old Carol is!)

One reason our friendship has lasted is that we appreciate the different gifts each other has. How I admire Carol’s medical knowledge and gift of discernment! I don’t envy those abilities – instead, I seek her wisdom when needed. (many times over the years)

Each of us has been created by our Heavenly Father as His workmanship. May we walk in the good works He has prepared for us.


In My Garden with God  #19